GM Digital AGC711.25MHz
HP XP24000 Upgr DKU Disk Unit Remanufactured Frame 1P/30A/60Hz 3750DP 4 Reman Cords
XP12000 Remanufactured Disk Array Frame (DKU) Disk Array Frame without disks. Consists of cabinet with control boards,FC data path switches,power supplies,back up batteries and 256 disk slots. 1 Phase Remanufactured 30A/50Hz for XP12000 DKU 1 pair
HP XP24000/XP20000 Upgr Remanufactured Disk Array
XP12000 Remanufactured Disk Control Frame (DKC) Contains Base power supplies, batteries,cache switches,128 disk slots,firmware,Continuous Track XP, Modem and pcAnywhere. 1Phase Remanufactured 30A/60Hz for Std XP12000 DKC 1 pair redundant junction boxe