2.5 inch spare 2TB HDD Raid certified drives for M-Series, shipped in pair
Passive air duct to redirect air flow changing from side to side to front to rear, requires 14RU of rack space.
FIPS hardware kit for the PA-2000 Series
FIPS hardware kit for the PA-3000 Series
FIPS hardware kit for the PA-3060
FIPS hardware kit for the PA-4000 Series
FIPS hardware kit for the PA-500
FIPS hardware kit for the PA-5000 Series
FIPS hardware kit for the PA-7050 Chassis
FIPS hardware kit for the PA-7080 Chassis
FIPS hardware kit for the M-100
FIPS hardware kit for the M-500/WF-500 platforms
M-100 Spare accessory kit
M-100 Spare hard drive carriers (2), each holds single drive
M-100, M-500, and WF-500 spare 1TB Raid certified drives, pair
M-100 spare rack mount kit, holds one device (supports 2 and 4 post racks)