HP 4y CritAdvL2 INS+MSSCE2010SQL3Yr SVC,Insight w/MS SCE w/SQL Technologies-3Yr,4 year Combined Proactive and Reactive services. Software Support w Std 2h remote Response,coverage 24×7
HP 4y CritAdvL3 INS+MSSCE2010SQL3Yr SVC,Insight w/MS SCE w/SQL Technologies-3Yr,4 year Combined Proactive and Reactive services. Software Support w Std 2h remote Response,coverage 24×7
HP 5y CritAdvL1 INS+MSSCE2010SQL3Yr SVC,Insight w/MS SCE w/SQL Technologies-3Yr,5 year Combined Proactive and Reactive services. Software Support w Std 2h remote Response,coverage 24×7
HP 5y CritAdvL2 INS+MSSCE2010SQL3Yr SVC,Insight w/MS SCE w/SQL Technologies-3Yr,5 year Combined Proactive and Reactive services. Software Support w Std 2h remote Response,coverage 24×7
HP 5y CritAdvL3 INS+MSSCE2010SQL3Yr SVC,Insight w/MS SCE w/SQL Technologies-3Yr,5 year Combined Proactive and Reactive services. Software Support w Std 2h remote Response,coverage 24×7
HP3y CritAdvL1 INS+MSSCE2010SML5Pk3YrSVC,Insight w/MS SCE Svr Management 5Pk-3Yr,3 year Combined Proactive and Reactive services. Software Support w Std 2h remote Response,coverage 24×7
HP4y CritAdvL1 INS+MSSCE2010SML5Pk3YrSVC,Insight w/MS SCE Svr Management 5Pk-3Yr,4 year Combined Proactive and Reactive services. Software Support w Std 2h remote Response,coverage 24×7
HP4y CritAdvL2 INS+MSSCE2010SML5Pk3YrSVC,Insight w/MS SCE Svr Management 5Pk-3Yr,4 year Combined Proactive and Reactive services. Software Support w Std 2h remote Response,coverage 24×7
HP4y CritAdvL3 INS+MSSCE2010SML5Pk3YrSVC,Insight w/MS SCE Svr Management 5Pk-3Yr,4 year Combined Proactive and Reactive services. Software Support w Std 2h remote Response,coverage 24×7
HP5y CritAdvL1 INS+MSSCE2010SML5Pk3YrSVC,Insight w/MS SCE Svr Management 5Pk-3Yr,5 year Combined Proactive and Reactive services. Software Support w Std 2h remote Response,coverage 24×7
HP5y CritAdvL2 INS+MSSCE2010SML5Pk3YrSVC,Insight w/MS SCE Svr Management 5Pk-3Yr,5 year Combined Proactive and Reactive services. Software Support w Std 2h remote Response,coverage 24×7
HP5y CritAdvL3 INS+MSSCE2010SML5Pk3YrSVC,Insight w/MS SCE Svr Management 5Pk-3Yr,5 year Combined Proactive and Reactive services. Software Support w Std 2h remote Response,coverage 24×7
HP 4Y Crit Adv L3 D2D4009 Support,StorageWorks D2D4009 Backup System,4 year Combined Proactive and Reactive services. 24×7 HW support w/6hr CTR SW support w/Std 2h remote Resp
HP 1y Crit Adv L1 P4000 1-node Support,P4000 1-node NAS Node,1yCombined proactive and reactive services; HW supp w4hOnsiteResp;coverage13x5SW supp w Std 2h remote Resp;coverage 24×7
HP 1y Crit Adv L1 P4000 2-node Support,P4000 2-node NAS Node,1yCombined proactive and reactive services; HW supp w4hOnsiteResp;coverage13x5SW supp w Std 2h remote Resp;coverage 24×7
HP 4Y Crit Adv L2 w/DMR P4800 SAN SVC,P4800 Blade SAN,4y Combined Proactive &Reactive services 24×7 HW support w DMR and 4h Onsite Resp. SW support w Std 2h remote Resp